Friday, March 28, 2014

Tuning the piano

Last night I finally got around to tuning the piano.  I used the guitar tuning software and a few beers to help with the monotony!  Three and a half hours later it was tuned; well almost when I got to the end the first notes where slightly out, but we will wait for a week or two and give it a final tune.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Chimney down, render up

On the weekend Matt helped me get most of the chimney down, I continued yesterday when it was raining.  I spoke to building control and I am able to use the rubble from the chimney to fill in the solid floors. 

My neighbours had some work done by contractors and they had 1/2 ton left over sand and plastic underlay (about 40m) which they very kindly gave to me :-)

There was a break in the rain this morning so I got my render on the last dormer. But I soon had to cover up as the rain started again.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bay window & front dormer

I started trying to fit the front dormer window yesterday, the one dormer is leaning over by about 15mm so I had to pull it across with a strap. I then fitted the window and I am hoping the glass will keep is square, if it doesn't then I will have to use the ceiling to keep it square.

I got the second attempt bay window cills from window people and they were not perfect but were close enough.  I started fitting them at 16:00 and then realised I had to finish them to keep the house secure overnight so ended up finishing at 22:00 (poor neighbours!)

Dad, it is not difficult fitting them on my own it is just exhausting, my shoulders are very stiff this morning!

Rear dormer complete outside

I finished the rear dormer facia and guttering earlier this week.  Went on a tip run yesterday but car wasn't full so started breaking down bedroom wall to fill car.